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Kajabi website templates: Easily make a beautiful website with done for you kajabi templates designed by Kajabi Expert & Kajabi Designer


Meet The Mara Template

✅ Classic and feminine, the Mara Template is a breath of fresh air with a modern twist.

✅ Ideal for female coaches and services providers seeking to grow their email list and book dream clients.

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What's Included?

The Mara Template Includes:

**Click to see each page in action

Main Website Pages:
Work With Me / Programs
Contact Success
Download Success
Legal Links

Plus Your Kajabi Systems Pages:
404 Error Page

Thank You Page
Library & Login
Blog Page & Blog Post

Plus Your Included Bonuses!
🔥 The *Write Your Website* Copywriting & Messaging Video Course + Messaging Template
🔥 The Kajabi 101 Video Training Course
🔥 2 Weeks of Post-Launch Support if you have any questions about making the most of your new online home, I'll be only a message away!

Get This Template Set up FOR you!


From *book now* to Kajabi website happily ever after in 3 simple steps


Choose Your
Template Style

From the library of conversion focused website templates exclusive to my clients.


Share Your Colors, Fonts, & Photos

I'll customize your chosen template with your brand colors, photos, and fonts to match your style.


Plug In Your Copy
& Share!

Add your website copy (words) into your gorgeous new site and you're ready to launch with confidence!

get started today 🎉

Real Clients, Real Success Stories

Coaches, CEOs, & Service Pros like YOU!

“I'm still just blown away by how beautifully this is coming together! You've made my life (and launch) so much easier!”

Online Community Manager

"Thank you a MILLION TIMES OVER!! Seriously, I appreciate you and your excellence more than you know. I hope you realize how good you are, Sierra - I have NEVER worked with any one as thorough and professional and creative."

Happiness Coach

"You are a breath of fresh air. Your customer service skills are top-notch! You are absolutely amazing to work with. You really care about your clients and helping them achieve their goals."

Career Coach
i want my happily ever after site!

How To Get Started (today!)

The Kajabi Accelerate process is streamlined & easy.

i'm ready to book!

With Kajabi Accelerate, you are not just a template customer...You're a VIP Client!


i want my happily ever after site!

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Send me a message here!

Not Sure About This Template Style?

Click HERE to see how we customized the Mara template for Tamara 

Choose a different template

Get The Mara Template Set Up FOR YOU!

Getting started is as easy as filling out the form below

Still have questions? Send me a message here!

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